Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Defination of Thought

While the ‘mind’ is something absolute and nearest to the soul and hence most knowledgeable, the thought is illusionist and is the by-product of one’s thinking to promptly produce or display or depict many view points of a particular issue to find many causes of a simple cause of happening to confuse the thinker. When there is an in-built desire, it makes the mind restless with one’s thought processes engrossed in totality on it to get or achieve the object so wanted or desired. Most of the time the thought process takes shape by itself automatically as the outcome of one’s thinking to manifest an idea for converting it to an object of reality. The thought takes birth when one is born and disappears when one dies but develops slowly to one following taking birth unlike the mind which follow the soul together as its faithful servant to reborn in the next life together with the soul beholding all qualifications acquired by one either good or bad in one’s life time in the previous life to determine the stage of qualification level either in present or future life.It also reflects the refinement of one's mind during his or her birth.

While the environment under which one is born controls the thought processes to develop in that order, the mind is completely unattached but reacted as thought directs it without disclosing its identity keeping it most fickle and in restless state all the time. Accordingly the thought is mostly dictated by reasoning and always apply or adopt scientific approach to fight or to find or to know a cause. Hence thought is always govern by certain set of idea developed by an entity from one’s childhood to fulfill an ambition.While mind is interconnected with each other with some degree of variation available between any two depending upon the circumstances we often face, thought is a product of one's thinking towards the same.

When the ambition is perfect and intensity of achieving the same is great, it manifest itself to rigorousness of doing a particular job in a most extraordinary manner. This is the alternative way for offering of prayer to know the unseen although the Lord always stays in a confused state being the mind not under control. Such sincere efforts make a culprit skillful to master the art of stealing and the dedicated ones exceptionally successful for the labor put in when a noble idea is behind it or there exit an intention of helping others with or without one's knowledge of doer. Such thought is an outcome or result of one’s continuous thinking of doing or unfolding an idea behind His creation. All scientific discoveries made or be made in future are actions of thought, which are nothing but the direct automatic orders of the nature to manage the creation from its inception and originated at the time of creation without having the knowledge of the Absolute One.

The thought is govern by five senses for all of us but rarely with another additional sense added to the exceptional ones. When one allow its thought processes to think nothing other than that of knowing the unknown, it resonates with the mind for some time each day irrespective of place or position or religion, cast or creed one beholds for knowing the all pervading one. As and when he or she captures it; the entity instantly becomes complete without being perfect anyway. Accordingly he or she can able to test the both aspects of Him while engaging oneself in a single subject or while doing the act of performing one’s job with full dedication.

All cultures are the manifestation of such characters that keep the world moving in upward direction with new methods of doing the same job invented now and then for making the earlier ones obsolete or previous ones valueless to make a new beginning with newer ideas. All great scientists, businessmen and all other celebrities are a product of such inner efforts available within him or her keeping the restless mind outside of it or by keeping the mind under one’s control. Therefore the feed to the mind is much different from the feed to the thought being both are different from each other. While mind is a source of truth, the thought is a source of one’s actions. That was the reason why Lord Christ adored or embraced the prostitutes who carried out  their respective profession with utmost sincerity but their hearts full of Love towards Him.

Those who excel on both{one aspect divulged and the other aspect remaining hidden} ; are the best part of His creation and remain to be so with enough pleasures receiving from the heart but has to return to pursue the other path (hidden) alone or together to make oneself complete to ultimately merge with Him. Such are the people who take a country or a state into great prosperity when a system that governs a state or a Country able to recognize such personalities with ample ingenuity as and when they are not put to absorb insults or put to harassment of any sort. Once we ensure happening of such a situation, such system holding such personalities automatically shines. While a state fruitfully engage these handful of personalities available within every country or a state and residing either inside or outside the system, the system behold by the Country becomes full proof of assaults as well as sound enough to absorb all ups and downs that bound to undergo by each and every or all.

Accordingly the path chosen through spirituality is vastly different from the one who worship works. While the former can hold all aspects including holding the position of power to shine, the later is completely barred from doing so unless becomes perfect or master both aspects in one way or the other for not influencing oneself to be govern by lust for amassing whatever precious available in the Country for his or her self growth.

In contrast if a state is in search of talent to strengthen the system, it often make the mistake of selecting or picking the corrupted minds amasses instead of dedicated ones, to see a premature collapse of the system through ill will infused by these recruits to choke the system entirely with dirt infused from outside and by not allowing the system to flow more at ease to see more developments taking place or shine perfectly enough to attract the others to follow.


NOTE: This article was written and published sometime in the middle of the year 2006 but now reproduced again being considered carrying of a universal value to retain it in a safe hand forever.

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