Sunday, December 8, 2013


As and when we perform a legitimate action including that of engaging in an act of Sex, we see a display of LOVE in an invisible miniature form which when captured and duly nurtured through doing of a reciprocation; we can able to test the nectar of LOVE which is constantly flowing from the heart to all over the entire body to keep intact the trillions of tiny cells under intense enjoyment being fully engrossed in its work to give oneself a body; discharging their respective tasks which is different for each and every but always remain as just one. A heart keeps hidden infinite Love within itself. But as and when we start deriving pleasures out of  wrong causes, it shall repulse with much of ferocity to loss one's Head; which shall force one to start retracting to past from whatever position one is holding while demanding a place within the Society to carry on with a particular style of living. This is law of the Nature which none can avoid or overstep following a short cut of any sort but bound to face the consequences either alone or together. While engaging in a act of Sex is an act to meet the call of the Nature with LOVE attached, the other LOVES are more purer being it is caught or captured through out of the result of the action of LOVE being behold by one towards the others.     

We must understand the current situation that is prevailing within the Globe, where nothing is running normally or following any Natural ORDERS as an outcome of our minds engrossed in thinking reverse rather than embracing each other. The time with us is very limited to create a congenial atmosphere within us to continue with our living. The main cause of the same is the mass misinterpretation of our valued Religious Scriptures. Instead of such Scriptures spreading LOVE within us for embracing each other and between all the entire objects that are available under the LOVING care of Mother Nature being all are part and Parcel of a single entity of human being, we call as Human Spice. However, in-spite of the fact divulge, we are distancing ourselves from each other citing various causes or noble reasons to attract a self benefit; sacrificing all the innocents others. Even through the process of our disintegration is under full force, we must understand ourselves what to follow and what not to encourage while deriving meanings from our Holy Scriptures and not fall Prey to the hungry ones who know nothing but blood of the innocents others to derive intense pleasure to themselves. Since GOD is Energy only; nothing can describe GOD and is available everywhere. None can do anything in hiding. Therefore, the current situation we are facing is our own creation for willfully allowing INJUSTICE to dance over JUSTICE for the purpose of accumulating wealth to oneself through doing of a stealing; rather than earning by oneself by putting of rightful labor. Since no International Institution ever desiring that we learn or know about this fact of our lives through establishing of inter-religious Institutions to study each other’s Religion; which can alone settled the issue of remaining together. All Religions are based on various figures that were much learned and carried enough of LOVE to the entire us, all of whom are small part of the LORD. Since LORD is the main center of attraction, He can never approach the creation without the creating merging onto HIM in view of strong of the strongest attraction the Energy beholds. As my living further is very limited, I am hurriedly submitting this small write-up directed to all nonetheless it is carrying the desire of my most beloved MOTHER.                                                                                  

{NOTE: This is a reproduction of an old write-up appeared at the webpage of BBC}      

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